Normal Aircond Cleaning Services
Normal Aircond Cleaning Services Wall Mounted Aircond Service Aircond Cleaning Services Kuala Lumpur (KL), Malaysia, Selangor, Cheras Services | QQ Aircond Service Sdn Bhd
Wall Mounted Aircond
Price From RM100.00 Per Unit  
Ceiling Cassette Aircond 
Price From RM120.00 Per Unit  

Cleaning Includes
 Fan Blower
 Outdoor Coil
 Gas Coolant Checking
 Indoor Coil
 Compressor Amp Check
 Total Clearance Of Clog Dirt
 Fully Dismantle Of The Indoor Unit
Duration£º45 Minutes

Recommend Cleaning Every 3 months

* We cater normal servicing, normal chemical servicing and full chemical servicing for aircond. Our wall mounted aircond and ceiling cassette aircond services range from RM 50 to RM 580 per unit, depending on the aircon type, HP per unit and cleaning service.* 

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